Since 2006

A community driven by values

Multicultural Greek Council

Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) strives to be an all-inclusive, culturally diverse environment. By fostering cultural awareness, along with FSL values, MGC meets the needs of its members and provides them people to call home. Some key differences include:

  • Cultural Advocacy
  • Stepping, strolling, saluting and chanting
  • New member presentations
  • Smaller membership numbers
  • No fraternity/sorority houses
  • MGC fraternities and sororities encompass people of all races, ethnicities, sexualities, gender expression and ages

The Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) was started in 2006 with the help and supervision of the Multicultural Center coordinator Pablo Mendoza.

Vimbai Madzura and Rebecca Villarreal (Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Incorporated) lead the efforts of bringing a council to represent culturally-based Greek organizations at the University of Missouri.

Felicia Hollis (Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Incorporated) took over the task of leading the efforts to get MGC established on campus, with the help of Jamie Kanki (Alpha Phi Gamma Sorority, Incorporated).

Having a council was an important step for these organizations because it brought voice, security, and visibility to these smaller organizations on campus.

In the fall semester of 2011, the Multicultural Greek council was disbanded due to the decrease in full member organizations.

The Multicultural Greek Council was restarted in Fall 2015 with the help and supervision of the Multicultural Center coordinator Stephanie Hernandez.

Jennifer Ware (Alpha Phi Gamma Sorority, Incorporated) worked to bring the council back to the University of Missouri with the help of Alpha Phi Gamma alumnae, Jacqueline Thai (Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority, Incorporated), and Chuan Li (Kappa Pi Beta Fraternity, Incorporated).

The culturally based Greek organizations were once again in need of a greater voice on campus, visibility to more students, and the many other reasons MGC was first established.

The full member organizations after MGC was official again were Alpha Phi Gamma Sorority, Incorporated, Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority, Incorporated, and Kappa Pi Beta Fraternity, Incorporated with Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Incorporated as an associate member. Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Incorporated became a full member at the end of Spring 2016. Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. returned to campus in Fall 2019.

MGC Executive Board

Photo of Miguel Najera

Miguel Najera

  • Calls and presides over all meetings and enforces the constitution, regulations and policies of the MGC.
  • Maintains a completed and updated President’s file which includes the current MGC constitution.
  • Maintains close contact with all work of the MGC.
Photo of Airi Washington

Vice President
Airi Washington

  • Ensures compliance with all MGC policies and procedures.
  • Oversees appointed committees and chairs.
  • Coordinates the new member retreat.
Photo of Cassie Solis

Cassie Solis

  • Maintains all council records and recorded minutes of the MGC.
  • Handles all official MGC correspondence in conjunction with other MGC executive board members.
  • Creates and maintains a bi-weekly email/newsletters with updates regarding MGC.
Photo of Mari Atup

Mari Atup

  • Oversees the financial management of the MGC.
  • Manages all financial interactions and maintains accurate records of expenditures and receipts.
  • Prepares an annual budget for approval by the MGC.
Photo of Kaynen Ampier

Membership Development & Support
Kaynen Ampier

  • Hosts a new member orientation on behalf of the council once every academic semester.
  • Supports member health and wellness around finals and midterms.
  • Creates scholarships (academic, need based, service, etc.)


  • Coordinate signature events.
  • Fall events: MGC 101, MGC Traditions, MGC Homecoming Tailgate, MGC Banquet/Senior Send-Off
  • Spring events: Meet the Greeks, Multicultural Greek Carnival, MGC Week & Banquet

Our Chapters

MGC Contact

2500 MU Student Center

Columbia, MO 65211

Phone: 573-882-8291