Since 1875

A community driven by values

Panhellenic Association

The Panhellenic Association (PHA) is the governing body of recognized National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) sororities. PHA works toward providing a community of values and connection that unites all sorority women.

Executive Board

Picture of Audrey

Audrey Stowe

  • Presides over all PHA delegation and executive board meetings.
  • Develops the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) Annual Report.
  • Maintains close contact with all work of PHA.
Portrait of Abby

Vice President of Risk Management
Abby Manner

  • Educates the PHA on risk management issues.
  • Oversees the PHA judicial board.
  • Performs all duties for the PHA President in their absence.
Picture of Jules

Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Jules Duffin

  • Implements and advocates for changes outlined in the action plan, and tracks chamber/PHA progress related to the action plan and diversity and inclusion efforts.
  • Oversees diversity and inclusion alliance and works to provide resources and educational material for committee members and chapters.
  • Ensures inclusion and accessibility in all programming.
Picture of Clara

Vice President of Philanthropy & Service
Clara Brown

  • Provides educational programs that articulate the need, benefit and value of community service and the differences between a beneficiary, philanthropy and community service.
  • Liaison between the PHA and the Circle of Sisterhood.
  • Works with the Vice President of Member Education to pair and oversee sister sororities, by creating requirements of the grouping, including a philanthropic, service and/or service event.
Picture of Samantha

Vice President of Recruitment External
Samantha Chapman

  • Coordinates and executes all aspects of recruitment.
  • Publishes all materials related to PHA recruitment.
  • Works to revise the recruitment rules annually with the chapter recruitment chairs for adoption by the PHA delegation.
Picture of Sara

Vice President of Recruitment Internal
Sara Rysavy

  • Coordinates and executes all internal aspects of recruitment.
  • Communicates with prospective members and families.
Picture of Jane

Vice President of Finance and Records
Jane Winkler

  • Maintains current financial records and gives a monthly financial report.
  • Creates the annual fiscal year budget for the PHA.
  • Organizes and plans PHA executive board elections.
Picture of Morgan

Vice President of Member Education
Morgan Hammer

  • Assists with education materials for all members.
  • Recognizes the academic achievements of the PHA community.
  • Creates and distributes PHA scholarships.
Picture of Rilee

Vice President of Public Relations
Rilee Malloy

  • Executes public relations and marketing systems that emphasize the positive activities of the PHA and fraternity/sorority community, as well as special events and/or programming executed by the PHA executive board.
  • Maintains a positive relationship with media outlets.
  • Assists in developing and maintaining public relations strategies.
Picture of Emily

Vice President of Member Experience
Emily Lyon

  • Collaborates with the Vice President of Finance and Records to create scholarships for members of the Panhellenic community. 
  • Further develops and grows Sister Sorority programming and provides resources to allow inter-chapter communication and collaboration. 
  • Creates opportunities for collaboration between external campus resources and the Panhellenic community. 

Our Chapters

PHA Contact

Anna Pellegrini, Advisor

2500 MU Student Center

Columbia, MO 65211

Phone: 573-884-5432